Welcome to the scripts repository.

We hope you enjoy your visit. Please report problems, or make suggestions, to Kurt Starsinic.

Scripts alphabetically:

Script nameREADME
I wrote this script so that every time I opened a terminal window the 30 Boxes agenda
and the a number of tasks would be displayed. Pl...
activitymail-1.25 This program may be used for sending email messages for CVS repository
activity. Messages can be sent for every repository change, or for every
commit. In the latter case, a list of all the files affected may be asse...
activitymail-1.26 This program may be used for sending email messages for CVS repository
activity. Messages can be sent for every repository change, or for every
commit. In the latter case, a list of all the files affected may be asse...
adminmail-1.0.pl This script grabs a list of all the users in a domain and emails the results to an email address.
adsibrowser-20010222.plt install cgi script, pull it up in your web browser, pick a
level of detail and starting point, view ADSI objects, their
property values, available methods/properties, implemented
interfaces. Click links to see more.
aim_fire-1.03 This script sends AIM messages. It's mostly useful for tacking onto the
end of a long-running program (like a make) to AIM you when it's done.
alcatel_readserial-0.2 Reads data on the searial port that has been provided by an Alcatel OmniPCX
phone system. The data is then processed and re-written into a csv file
for later processing.
backup-reporter-1.03 This is a general script for many types of backup jobs. You can use it
to configure different types of backups, which can run together
or independently of each other. It also formats a nice report
for each backup...
bcrond-0.82.par This is a par <http://www.perl.com/language/ppt/src/par/index.html>
archive. You may extract it by running it through perl as
perl bcrond-0.82.par
or with unpar (at the same URI).
This archive contains...
betsie-1.5.12.pl Betsie is a simple CGI filter to improve the accessibility of arbitrary valid HTML pages. It
effectively creates an on-the-fly text-only version of your site.
For full details of how to use and install Betsie, pleas...
betsie-1.5.pl Betsie is a simple CGI filter to improve the accessibility of arbitrary valid HTML pages. It
effectively creates an on-the-fly text-only version of your site.
For full details of how to use and install Betsie, pleas...
bget bget - basic HTTP get tool
bget-1.1 bget - basic HTTP get tool
bget-1.2 bget - basic HTTP get tool
bibAddPubMed-0.2 This script takes a BibTeX file as input, searches PubMed for each entry in it,
and outputs another BibTeX file after adding URLs and/or abstracts for the
entries it found on PubMed.
bin2hex-1999.0302.pl Print file in hex format:
00000: 66 00 a9 0d 56 00 01 00 ff 35 f...V ....5
00010: ff ff ff 20 02 05 00 06 06 06 ..... .....
00020: 00 12 11 09 61 13 ff ff ff ff ....a .....
00030: 48 00 01 0...
bin2hex-2004.1215.pl Print file in hex format:
00000: 66 00 a9 0d 56 00 01 00 ff 35 f...V ....5
00010: ff ff ff 20 02 05 00 06 06 06 ..... .....
00020: 00 12 11 09 61 13 ff ff ff ff ....a .....
00030: 48 00 01 0...
bmonitor-2.12.pl bmonitor is a perl script to monitor LSF jobs.
Every minute the script show for each jobs useful informations:
CPU : number of processors asked par the users
MEM : memory used by the job (MB)
SWAP : ...
bmonitor-2.21.pl bmonitor is a perl script to monitor LSF jobs.
Every minute the script show for each jobs useful informations:
CPU : number of processors asked par the users
MEM : memory used by the job (MB)
SWAP : ...
bn-0.5.0.pl bn is a Perl bot for searching book / media information and saving the
output as either a comma seperated text file or in HTML format.
BuildAppletJar.pl This script is for creating applet JAR files. The typical situation
is that you have some large libraries and know, that only parts
are required.
The idea is that you start working without JAR files, possibly
bulkzone.pl Bulkzone is a program that creates bulk DNS records, with a little
CalcNIFTk_1.02.pl CalcNIFTk is sample Perl/Tk script that enables you to
calculate the Spanish NIF letter from NIF number.
Works under Linux and Windows.
Sorry English users this software was written in Spanish.
Feel free to contac...
calendar-1.0.2.pl A little calendar that allows users to select a date. Run it in a pop-up window. Writes the date selected to a session cookie for any application to read. Works on Unix and Windows.
californicus-linux-1.0.0 californicus-linux is a tool for taking a passwd, group, and shadow file and generating a LDIF for them.
catAIFC-1.0.pl catAIFC.pl concatenates AIFC and RIFF WAVE files in a single output stream.
All files MUST have identical audio formats and structures (channels, sample
rates etc.). ALL sound chunks are combined. Compressed files m...
CGIscriptor-1.2.pl CGIscriptor merges plain ASCII HTML files transparantly and safely
with CGI variables, PERL code, shell commands, and executable scripts
(on-line and real-time). It combines the "ease of use" of HTML files with
CGIscriptor-2.2.pl Executes embeded Perl code in HTML pages with easy
access to CGI variables. Also processes embeded shell
scripts and scripts in any other language with an
interactive interpreter (e.g., in-line Python, Tcl,
CGIscriptor-2.4.1.pl Executes embeded Perl code in HTML pages with easy
access to CGI variables. Also processes embeded shell
scripts and scripts in any other language with an
interactive interpreter (e.g., in-line Python, Tcl,
CGIscriptor-2.4.pl Executes embeded Perl code in HTML pages with easy
access to CGI variables. Also processes embeded shell
scripts and scripts in any other language with an
interactive interpreter (e.g., in-line Python, Tcl,
CGIservlet-1.2.pl Whenever an HTTP request is received, the specified CGI script is
started inside a child process as if it was inside a real server (e.g.,
Apache). The evironment variables are set more or less as in Apache.
Note t...
CGIservlet-1.3.pl Whenever an HTTP request is received, the specified CGI script is
started inside a child process as if it was inside a real server (e.g.,
Apache). The evironment variables are set more or less as in Apache.
Note t...
CGIservlet-1.301.pl Whenever an HTTP request is received, the specified CGI script is
started inside a child process as if it was inside a real server (e.g.,
Apache). The evironment variables are set more or less as in Apache.
Note t...
CGIservlet-1.4.1.pl Whenever an HTTP request is received, the specified CGI script is
started inside a child process as if it was inside a real server (e.g.,
Apache). The evironment variables are set more or less as in Apache.
Note t...
CGIservlet-1.4.pl Whenever an HTTP request is received, the specified CGI script is
started inside a child process as if it was inside a real server (e.g.,
Apache). The evironment variables are set more or less as in Apache.
Note t...
check_ftp-1.02 This script connects to the FTP server and compares the last modification time
of all or part of the files in a remote directory. It sends a message to the
standard output or by email when it finds new files since th...
chk_mail-1.11 When using the Unix shell, and using Pine or elm (or possibly others, it has been tested with Pine and elm), this will let you
know how many new messages you have in your mailbox, and how many total. Most people pla...
chres-0.51 Change the resolution of the screen on a Windows machine.
cidr2range-1.0.pl Converts CIDR notation (e.g. to a list or range of IP
ClearEvents.1.00 Clears out events in the WinNT event log - System, Security, and
Application logs - and creates a backup copy, optionally gzip'ing
it, if you have gzip installed.
cluster.pl-0.01 The cluster.pl script is a small script for maintaining a Linux
cluster, to be precise, a cluster of machines with one original
host and multiple backup hosts.
cnt-1.1.pl This is a graphical web access counter that is called from the <IMG>
The only external resource is it's data file, meaning that no additional
modules are required.
It produces the count in GIF (colored) ...
comiccron - A cron like tool largely aimed at bringing up my web comics in the morning with a single command.

copyright-update-2005.0216.pl This program updates the copyright year information for given files. The
year is current year unless passed with --year YEAR option.
perl -S copyright-update.pl --verbose 1 --test [--year 2002] *
To change al...
countlines-0.10.pl This is a simple script to figure out the actual lines of code in a C,C++,perl,shell,html,VHDL,Verilog,Java or Python file
countmail-1.01 This script scans the current mail log and several recent
mail log archives, and searches for messages sent to or from
a particular address. It counts them up and mails a report
with an inbound count and an outboun...
cpan-changes.pl This program loads the CPAN recent modules feed, either from your
local CPAN mirror or as a filter in your favorite feed reader.
Afterwards it scans it and tries to fetch the changelog for new module
releases and par...
cpiotool-0.65 backup script that uses cpio
create_dovecot_shares-1.07 Creating lots of F<dovecot-shared> files for the Dovecot IMAP Server, changing permissions and creating symlinks is a pain, especially when dealing with more than a handle of users.
create_dovecot_shares helps
crontab2english_0.71.pl Translates crontab notation into English, for sanity checking: For
example, "10 8 15 * * foo bar" into: Run: foo bar with input
"baz\x0a" At: 8:10am on the 15th of every month
cut-file.pl cut-file.pl - to cut a large file into smaller pieces so that they can be copied from one computer to another piece by piece.
Run "%perl cut-file.pl -help" to find out command-line options.
To download, visit:
cvs-repository-2001.0301.pl CVS is a concurrent version control system and available for multiple
platforms at C<http://www.cvshome.com>. This program will help changing the
content of client files Root, Repository, Entries and Tag....
cvs-repository-2001.1213.pl CVS is a concurrent version control system and available for multiple
platforms at C<http://www.cvshome.com>. This program will help changing the
content of client files Root, Repository, Entries and Tag....
cvsls-0.8 Displays 'cvs status' in an configurable and easy to digest format.
See the 'cvsls -h' option for more help.
This program is versioned below 1.0 because I want to clean it up.
I plan to make 'author'
features use...
cvsls-0.9 Displays 'cvs status' in an configurable and easy to digest format.
See the 'cvsls -h' option for more help.
This program is versioned below 1.0 because I want to clean up
the documentation. Otherwise, there's n...
cvs_init n/a
cxfsdump-0.4 This script is intended for dumping CXFS filesystems using a jukebox
(tape robot)
It does all the job of loading tapes with the stacker (the robotics
control program), relocating the metadataserver for the CXFS file...
dabepg_bin2xml-0.3.pl Convert DAB Binary EPG (ETSI TS 102 371) to DAB XML EPG (ETSI TS 102 818)
dailymotion-dl.pl This script is a command line script similar to the python script youtube-dl that downloads from youtube
you'll need the following in order to run it:
*the URI::Escape perl module
*the Getopt::Long perl module
dbconvert-0.01.pl dbconvert converts DBM databases from one format to another.
dbfileutil-1-1.pl Export/Import between DB_File and SDBM_File
from Windows and Unix platforms
SDBM_Files can be ftp'ed across Unix/Windows
platforms and work without a hitch. (pag and
dir files). DB_Files can't be ftp'ed across
dbfileutil-1-2.pl Export/Import between DB_File and SDBM_File
from Windows and Unix platforms
SDBM_Files can be ftp'ed across Unix/Windows
platforms and work without a hitch. (pag and
dir files). DB_Files can't be ftp'ed across
dcheck-0.9.pl This script checks given files for dates matching a given format and compare
this with the date of last modification of the file.
Actually the script can do the following:
del_pop3_scr.pl This script scans a POP3 mailbox and deletes messages with *.SCR or *.PIF attachements
desift.pl desift is a data-driven, temlate-oriented text filter. It occupies a
niche somewhere between spartan shell utilities such as 'cut' and
full-featured template engines.
Please check out my blog at http://grepmonster.wordpress.com if you like this script.
dircmp-1.1 Help CVS users manage branches.
Report the source code files that are different in two directories.
Report the files existing in dir1 but missing from dir2.
distinct-0.1 Prints to STDOUT a sorted list of items followed by a comma then followed
by the number of instances of that item. In fairness it is only a wrapped
implementation of a counter using a simple hash.
Take this file C<e...
dnsperf-1.05.pl A simple tool for comparing the response times of designated DNS servers.
DnsPixie_1.29.pl DnsPixie will update one or more designated DNS records at a number of
popular dynamic DNS services either once or periodically.
dont-guess-benchmark-it-0.0.7.pl Generate your -MBenchmark code quickly.
That's generator -- it doesn't benchmark itself.
drw_monitor-0.51.pl Monitors your Dr. Watson log, for the purpose of detecting crashes. It will
send out email and/or alpha page notification of these crashed. Can be
run as an NT service.
dvdsum-1.01 Creates a file containing MD5 checksums of all files in a directory
hierarchy for burning to DVD with the files for later verification.
dyndns-2001.0118.pl This is a Perl client for updating a dynamic DNS IP information at
http://www.dyndns.org/ or http://members.dyndns.org/. Visit the page and
create an account as instructed and remember the login, password and host
dyndns-2001.0611.pl This is a Perl client for updating a dynamic DNS IP information at
http://www.dyndns.org/ or http://members.dyndns.org/. Visit the page and
create an account as instructed and remember the login, password and host
dyndns-2001.1217.pl This is a Perl client for updating a dynamic DNS IP information at
http://www.dyndns.org/ or http://members.dyndns.org/. Visit the page and
create an account as instructed and remember the login, password and host
dyndns-2002.0120.pl This is a Perl client for updating a dynamic DNS IP information at
http://www.dyndns.org/ or http://members.dyndns.org/. Visit the page and
create an account as instructed and remember the login, password and host
eml-0.4.pl eml.pl wraps a user-defined command and, upon completion,
sends a email with statistics, diagnostics (return value,
kill signal, duration,...) and output and/or errors.
extract-form HTML form rewriter for command line or CGI use. Rewritten forms
have hidden inputs exposed for probing.
Facebook.pl Facebook.pl - Utility Perl Script to log in to facebook account using Internet Explorer.
This script helps users to login to their facebook account using IE browser.
I wrote this script so that I need not manually w...
faq-0.004.pl This is a simple CGI script for managing a web based FAQ. It uses mysql to
store the questions and answers in the FAQ. It is pretty staightforward -
basically, anyone can submit a new question through the "Add Questi...
fbsdbuild-0.0.0.pl fbsdbuild - A tool for building FreeBSD from source.
fetch_unanswered-0.25.pl Retrieve usenet news articles to which no reply has yet been posted.
filelogger-1.4 Script for monitoring specified directory trees for changes in files and directories.
filemail_3.05.pl filemail breaks an input stream into parts, then encodes
each part and emails it to designated recipients.
fixlog-3.2.0.pl This script scans through the site's access log and ensures all IP addresses are
4 sets of 3 digits, strips out extraneous information such as local accesses and
overloads (32k long SEARCH or CONNECT requests).
fm3-0.01.pl FM/3 v.0.01, (c) Denis Kaganovich AKA mahatma, 2004
There are free software with NO WARRANTIES.
Also see Perl and RSA lycenses before using this.
All "security" terms are not strong by default and only make abuse le...
fm3-0.02a.pl FM/3 v.0.01m, (c) Denis Kaganovich AKA mahatma, 2004
There are free software with NO WARRANTIES.
Also see Perl and RSA lycenses before using this.
RSA code (exclude MD5) Copyright John Hanna (c) 2004 under the terms...
fm3-0.03i.pl FM/3 v.0.03i, (c) Denis Kaganovich AKA mahatma, 01/2005
There are free software with NO WARRANTIES.
Also see Perl and RSA lycenses before using this.
RSA code (exclude MD5) Copyright John Hanna (c) 2004 under the te...
fs2htaccess-0.1.1.pl fs2htaccess transports windows file and directory permissions to apache per-directory configs.
Perl script for set gateway rules
See gateway-l.pl --help
gdbtrace.pl-1.1 Trace an executable using gdb. Uses the "gdb annotations" feature to
grab the interesting events. The executable must have been compiled
with the debugging information (-g).
gentoo-eth0-bulk-ipconfig-1.2.pl This script is used to hard config the bulk IPs in Gento linux operating systems.
geops-1.2.pl Draw geometric figures using compass and straight edge only.
geops-1.3.pl Draw geometric figures using compass and straight edge only.
getcount-3.0.0.cgi This script scans through the site's counter file looking for the url you requested.
If it doesn't find the url, it returns 0.
getlog-3.6.1.cgi This script scans through the site's access log and ensures all IP addresses are
4 sets of 3 digits, adds a link to the whois page, and then displays that information
to the screen. It strips out overloads and local...
getnotes-1.0.pl This script gets all the documents in a notes database and prints out a document by number.
getprice.pl get last price of stocks from the Australian Stock Exchange, can take up to 5 command line arguments.
getRFC_3.pl getRFC - This script downloads RFC's from faqs.org and put them in the current directory.
Just pass on the RFC numbers to the script as arguments and it will zap them all in a directory leaching them one by one in b...
Gmail.pl Gmail.pl - Utility Perl Script to log in to gmail account using Internet Explorer.
This script helps users to login to their gmail account using IE browser.
I wrote this script so that I need not manually write my u...
gmailarchiver-1.6.pl I created this script for the purpose of moving some
of my IMAP mail to my gmail.com account.
I've also added mbox support along with mailman mbox
archive support.
gmailarchiver-1.7.pl I created this script for the purpose of moving some
of my IMAP mail to my gmail.com account.
I've also added mbox support along with mailman mbox
archive support.
graphPlotter-1.04.ptk.pTk Following script is a graph plotter for the polynomials of the form y = F(x).
Trigonometric functions are also supported. This script can find its application
in solving complex polynomial equations using graphs.
hex-0.1 Displays a hex dump of the named file or stdin if no file is specified.
It's simple, not very clever and written in Ye olde-fashionde perle(tm). No apologies.
hex2bin-1999.0302.pl This program makes a binary file out of HEX input data. The default
input format is:
XXXX: 00 00 01 01 01 # This is comment
XXXX: 00 00 00 00 00 Deletes eveythinbg after 3 spaces
Ie. There must be line nu...
hex2bin-2004.1215.pl This program makes a binary file out of HEX input data. The default
input format is:
XXXX: 00 00 01 01 01 # This is comment
XXXX: 00 00 00 00 00 Deletes eveythinbg after 3 spaces
I.e. there must be line n...
hgrep hgrep - grep through RFC822-style headers, skipping body part of message.
historylogger-1.4 Command logging facility which stores the directory in which the command was executed.
htmltable2csv-0.01 Script to convert HTML tables to CSV
htsplit-1.0.0 Installation: copy this script to any directory in your path.
--heading n : heading level, 1 through 6, on which to split
(just the number, not the 'h')
--basename name : name prefix fo...
httpdebug-1.06 This is a tool to help you debug HTTP transactions. It uses both
the HTTP server and HTTP client functionalities of the LWP bundle.
Using this script, you can easily and quickly mimic and tweak transactions
httpdebug-2.0 This is a tool to help you debug HTTP transactions. It uses both
the HTTP server and HTTP client functionalities of the LWP bundle.
Using this script, you can easily and quickly mimic and tweak transactions
ibmonitor-2005.0114-1.3 ibmonitor is a command line program which will run
on a linux console or xterm (rxvt, konsole, gnome-terminal, etc)
usage: ibmonitor [--bits] [--bytes] [--max] [--avg]
[--interval n] [--data] ...
iniedit-0.20 Generates a HTML form containing the sections and values from a
.ini-style configuration file, and lets you modify them.
iniedit-1.04 Generates a HTML form containing the sections and values from a
.ini-style configuration file, and lets you modify them.
ino711d-0.2.pl This script is a Web/HTTP based admin interface for the Inovonics 711 RDS/RBDS Generator.
install-1.31.pl A Perl replacement for install(1).
ip2host-0.06.pl Drop-in replacement for the logresolve.pl script distributed
with the Apache web server that's approximately 10x faster.
IPLU_v4_01.pl IPLU - Displays WhoIs, MX, NS, Axfr, and other information
isbn2lccn-03 This perl script converts a single ISBN to Library of Congress Call Number using
their Z39.50 interface.
jabberd-authpipe-pam-0.1.pl This script allows Jabber authentication against PAM without running jabberd as root.
JScript.decode-1.0.pl JScript.decode.pl - read encrypted JScript macros
(Microsoft proprietary extension to Javascript)
and write unencoded equivalent script.
This script read a web page containing encoded macros from STDIN
junkFilter-0.3 Junk mail filter. Designed to be used in conjunction with procmail, but not necessarily
restricted to it.
Based on a Bayesian Heuristic (yawn), it builds a database of good and junk words,
with associated probabili...
justify-1.2 Justifies text, left align, ragged right.
kat.pl-1.03 This program encrypts/decrypts files (with compression)
using keyset files which provide a very large number of one-time use keys.
The F<kat.pl> program file consists of three files concatenated together.
The files w...
kat.pl-1.05 This program encrypts/decrypts files (with compression)
using keyset files which provide a very large number of one-time use keys.
The F<kat.pl> program file consists of three files concatenated together.
The files w...
kauderwelsch Kauderwelschgenerator f�r deutschartige Texte.
�� analysiert einen Korpus und erfindet gleichartige Worte
�� Worte werden zu S�tzen gruppiert
�� works for other languages by changing some variables
keepcool-0.344 keepcool - throttle a process with STOP und CONT calls
Tiny utility to manage ressources ad hoc by slowing down eager
keywordsearch-1.00 Simple command-line tool for searching either a web site, or a local
directory, for documents containing particular keyword(s).
killtnef-1.0.1.pl killtnef - Converts emails with MS-TNEF, Microsoft's proprietary Transport Neutral Encapsulated Format, attachments into standard MIME-compliant emails.
This script reads an mbox, or a single email message, from STD...
killtnef-1.0.2.pl killtnef - Converts emails with MS-TNEF, Microsoft's proprietary Transport Neutral Encapsulated Format, attachments into standard MIME-compliant emails.
This script reads an mbox, or a single email message, from STD...
killtnef-1.0.3.pl killtnef - Converts emails with MS-TNEF, Microsoft's proprietary
Transport Neutral Encapsulated Format, attachments into standard
MIME-compliant emails.
This script reads an mbox, or a single email message, from STD...
lab2tg-1.04.pl This script converts HTK (http://htk.eng.cam.ac.uk/) annotation format (.lab)
file to Praat (http://www.fon.hum.uva.nl/praat/) annotation format (.TextGrid)
lexicon_v1_60.pl lex�i�con - GUI based Dictionary Server browser.
Connects to and interacts with dictionary servers on the internet.
In addition this version may perform additional searches for the term.
life1_3b.pl This script implements a Game of Life according to John Conway. Matrix size as well as birth and survival rules are editable. The initial state can be set up by random generator or manually.
An up to date perl distr...
linebreaktool-0.1.2.pl With this script you can check if a text file is of
a specific type and convert it to a different type.
Special feature is the ability of fixing files that were
broken by wrong ftp upload and download mode (ascii/bi...
linebreaktool-0.2pre1.pl With this script you can check if a text file is of
a specific type and convert it to a different type.
Special feature is the ability of fixing files that were
broken by wrong ftp upload and download mode (ascii/bi...
linkcheck-1.05 Find broken links in a web site.
linkcheck-1.06 Find broken links in a web site.
LL_1.0.pl Prints advanced statistics on disk space usage. Useful for users/administrators not satisfied with traditional UNIX utilities such as du or ls. More info is available by executing LL.pl -h or LL.pl -m, di...
logAnalyzer-1.0.ptk The following script is designed to read the Native Logfile Format(NLF) and generate
outputs in different graphical forms. logAnalyzer-1.0.ptk written in perl/Tk can find its applications
in Analyzing huge logfiles ...
logrotate-1.06 Rotate log files and optionally send a signal (default is HUP) to the
specified process ID, then optionally compress the newly rotated log
file(s). As many different log files may be specified on the command line
LPCal_v1_1.plx Lunar Phase Calendar v1.1
A pTk GUI based calendar.
lsof-1.2.pl This script retrive the information of Listening and active ports and show the output similar to lsof -i. It can be used on compromised systems where lsof is infected and hide the processes or connections.
lunarLander.pl options:
-W <canvas width> Default is 500
-H <canvas height> Default is 500
-b <background color> Default is blue
-f <foreground color> Default is yellow
-F <fuel> Default is 20
-x <initail x position> Defau...
MacroPurge01.pl MacroPurge v0.1 by W. Black.
Runs under Perl in Win32 to clean and Document_* macros in
Word '97 Documents. It may work in other versions of Word,
but I haven't tested it. It requires both a Win32 version
of Perl ...
mail2news-1.14 Install INN, configure it for local access with no newsfeeds. If you
have newsfeeds, ensure that C<local> groups are not fed to other sites.
You must change the $nntpserver variable in this program to name
mailsort-1.24 Sort mbox format mail folders by dates in the `From ' lines that separate
mailsort-1.26 Sort mbox format mail folders by dates in the `From ' lines that separate
make.pl-0.5 Make with Perl as the rule language.� Write a plain makefile in Perl syntax.� Or, write a program that among others does a few file-dependency driven things.
makepmdist_1.02.pl Simplifies the creation of CPAN distributions for pure-Perl modules
which are the only module in their dist.
makepmdist_1.03.pl Simplifies the creation of CPAN distributions for pure-Perl modules
which are the only module in their dist.
make_rpm-2.0.pl Automatically generate an RPM software package from a list of files.
make_rpm.pl builds the RPM in a very clean and configurable fashion.
(Making RPMs "the simple way" in a one-line command.)
make_rpm.pl gene...
metawall-0.10.pl Metawall is a perl script that allows you to write firewall rules in a simple
metalanguage. These rules can then be used to generate packet filtering
commands for a variety of backend targets.
metawall-0.12.pl Metawall is a perl script that allows you to write firewall rules in a simple
metalanguage. These rules can then be used to generate packet filtering
commands for a variety of backend targets.
mime-multipart-1999.0208.pl This program assembles MIME partial mail messages back. All
of the bodies for the same part id are saved to one file. If you
only want to save the base64 lines from the bodies, then use --base64
The fo...
mimedump Extract MIME parts to files in unique date/time stamp directories,
ideal for use with procmail.
mimedump.75 Extract MIME parts to files in unique date/time stamp directories,
ideal for use with procmail.
mime_rename.dangerous_windows_exts.pl-1.1 Used to rename attachments with "dangerous" filenames with respect to MS
Windows virii. Intended to be used in conjunction with procmail.
mime_strip.html_bodies.pl-1.6 Used to strip the alternative "HTML body" attachments that some Mozilla and
MS Outlook users like to add to every email. Version 1.5 also introduced a
feature to catch most multipart/alternative SPAM, which has beco...
mirror-1.20 Script for maintaining an easily configurable mirrored backup of directories.
mirror-1.22 Script for maintaining an easily configurable mirrored backup of directories.
mkprereqinst-1.11 mkprereqinst creates a prereqinst file. The created file can be
included to perl module and script distributions to help people to get
and install module dependecies through CPAN.pm or PPM.pm
mkprereqinst-1.13 mkprereqinst creates a prereqinst file. The created file can be
included to perl module and script distributions to help people to get
and install module dependecies through CPAN.pm or PPM.pm
mkpw-1.0 Produce some simple passwords, suitable for use on low-value web
sites. These passwords are not cryptographically secure, so do not
use them on high security sites (use a fips-181 password generator,
mkpw-1.1 Produce some simple passwords, suitable for use on low-value web
sites. These passwords are not cryptographically secure, so do not
use them on high security sites (use a fips-181 password generator,
mks2cvs-1.1 Converts a MKS based source repository to a CVS based respository
and converts MKS's notion of "versioning" (of each Project [.pj])
to obvious matching tags containing the same version numbers.
Contains some self-ex...
morse.pl The speed of your sytem will determine how fast the
program will properly transmit and recieve. I have an
older system that can only transmit up to about 15
words per minute before the sound gets distorted.
The run ...
mp3play-1.00 This program can easily be modified to behave differently however you like.
Basically, it's a program that will take a list of MP3s either from STDIN or on the command line, shuffle them, and then play them.
If you...
mp3split_1.01.pl Takes any mp3 file and performs a simple binary split (so you can just
cat the chunks together to get the original) -- except that it only
splits on MP3 frame boundaries, so that each segment is a valid playable
MP3 ...
muttbook-1.0.pl This script allows the Mutt email client to perform its address book
searches using your OS X system Address Book. It simply performs a search
using the provided string, against the name and email address fields of
mw2.2.1 A special-purpose simple script that looks up a word from Merriam-Webster site.
This script only uses Socket and no other external modules or packages, and it
demonstrates the use of POST method to submit a FORM. How...
mwcDHAadd-1.0.4 mwcDHAadd - adds a DHCP LDAP entry. This is for use with the other mwcDHCP tools and ISC
DHCP LDAP patch.
mwcDHAls-1.0.4 mwcDHAls - list DHCP LDAP entries. This is for use with the other mwcDHCP tools and ISC
DHCP LDAP patch.
mwcDHArm-1.0.5 mwcDHArm - removes a DHCP LDAP entry. This is for use with the other mwcDHCP tools and ISC
DHCP LDAP patch.
mwcLDAadd-1.0.4 mwcLDA is adding DHCP users in a LDAP directory. This is for use with mwcDHCPauth.
mwcLDAls-1.0.6 mwcLDA is used for administrating DHCP users in a LDAP directory. This is for use with mwcDHCPauth.
mwcLDArm-1.0.4 mwcLDArm is used for removing DHCP users in a LDAP directory. This is for use with mwcDHCPauth.
mygpg-0.3 Navigation: The file selection widgets are scrolled with the up- and
down-arrow keys. To select a choice, hit 'Return.' To pass from one
widget to the next, hit 'Return' or 'Tab.'
C<mygpg> operates on the files in t...
mygpg-0.4 'mygpg' uses a curses interface in Q-and-A style to construct a gpg
command line for common operations. There is no need to remember the
syntax of gpg commands or options.
The 'gpg' command that is run when the scri...
mysql_config_win32.pl On unix, MySQL comes with a shell script, F<mysql_config>, which
can be used to return information about the MySQL installation.
This script is used to create a similar utility for Win32.
mywebget-1999.0301.pl Automate Periodic downloads or released files and packages.
This small utility makes it possible to keep a list of URLs in a
configuration file and periodically retrieve those pages or files with
simple command. Thi...
mywebget-1999.0302.pl Automate Periodic downloads or released files and packages.
This small utility makes it possible to keep a list of URLs in a
configuration file and periodically retrieve those pages or files with
simple command. Thi...
mywebget-1999.0308.pl Automate Periodic downloads or released files and packages.
This small utility makes it possible to keep a list of URLs in a
configuration file and periodically retrieve those pages or files with
simple command. Thi...
mywebget-2001.0105.pl Automate periodic downloads of released files and packages.
This small utility makes it possible to keep a list of URLs in a
configuration file and periodically retrieve those pages or files with
simple commands. Th...
mywebget-2001.0110.pl Automate periodic downloads of released files and packages.
This small utility makes it possible to keep a list of URLs in a
configuration file and periodically retrieve those pages or files with
simple commands. Th...
mywebget-2001.0303.pl Automate periodic downloads of released files and packages.
mywebget-2001.1213.pl Automate periodic downloads of released files and packages.
mywebget-2001.1230.pl Automate periodic downloads of released files and packages.
NAfixperms-v1.6.pl NAfixperms.pl - goes through Network Appliance snapshots, and resets
permissions on specified files within a directory
NAfixperms-v1.8.pl NAfixperms.pl - goes through Network Appliance snapshots, and resets
permissions on files within specified directories
netident-0.1.0.pl netident - A tool for helping identify what network a machine is on.
netspace-1.0.pl This program is useful for quickly getting a list of drives low on space.
netstats-0.04.pl This script displays any or all of the 'netstat' socket status counts
on Windows and Unix platforms, once, or in a continuous loop.
newcvsroot-1.00 newcvsroot changes the CVS root in the current working directory and
all subdirectories.
NewsSurfer_v3_02.pl NewsSurfer v3.02 (New and Improved!)
A Multi-Threaded Perl Tk GUI based NNTP client with yEnc support.
newsyslog-1.14.pl newsyslog is a highly configurable script for maintaining and archiving
sets of log files. It archives log files based on size, date or interval,
and can optionally compress log files with gzip or bzip2.
ngram.pl-1.48 Compute ngram (one letter, digram, trigram, ...) frequencies.
Useful for generating text using Markov chains or for cryptogeeks.
ngrams.pl-2.007 N-gram analysis for various kinds of n-grams (character, words, bytes,
utf8, and user-defined). Based on Text::Ngrams module.
nm.pl-1.1 Portable frontend for C<nm(1)> for displaying symbol table information;
by default lists all the code and data symbols in the object or archive
nph-tonnel-0.04.cgi todo.
Using to remote exec of CGIProxy (etc?) and browse CGI from
this daemon+CGIproxy. Using only single-direction request (daemon->http/cgi).
Mainly written to bypass hoster's firewall, denied outgoing connections...
nph-tonnel-0.08.cgi todo.
Using to remote exec of CGIProxy (etc?) and browse CGI from
this daemon+CGIproxy. Using only single-direction requests (daemon->http/cgi).
Mainly written to bypass hoster's firewall, denied outgoing connection...
nph-tonnel.cgi todo.
Command line: [daemon [<n>]|split [client|daemon]]
James Marshall's CGIProxy: http://www.jmarshall.com/tools/cgiproxy/
Tested with CGIProxy 2.1beta15
nslookup-1.01.pl A perl implentation of the Linux 'nslookup' utility, suitable for use in
non-interactive mode on FreeBSD and other operating systems.
OAMulator_1.0.cgi A Web based compiler/assembler/emulator for instructional support.
Complete documentation at C<http://informatics.indiana.edu/fil/OAM/>.
open-port-xml-1.2.pl This script retrive the information of Listening ports and save the information in xml format.
OSVer.pl The OSVer program retrieves operating system version, type, build and service
pack level of local or remote Windows-based computers.
outlook2ical.0.11.pl This is a simple perl script that converts mail messages
produced by MS Outlook Calendar to .calendar file used by the ical program.
It handles appointment messages and task requests (with -task flag).
There is no w...
outlook2ical.0.13.pl This is a simple perl script that converts mail messages
produced by MS Outlook Calendar to .calendar file used by the ical program.
It handles appointment messages and task requests (with -task flag).
There is no w...
p-1.2 ps wrapper
�� sort by pid or other column
�� skip self and ps
�� grep (-v)
�� tree
�� can kill selected processes
�� loop mode (with diff)
p-1.3 ps wrapper
�� sort by pid or other column
�� skip self and ps
�� grep (-v)
�� tree
�� can kill or call command
�� loop mode (with diff)
p2h-0.2 p2h
v 0.02
p2h yourperl.pl >yourhtml.html
Consider this version alpha. It will convert code without
errors. It will not output errors other than those not
caught, which is all :)
It will not take command ...
p4diff.pl-1.0 Give Perforce users a tool like "cleartool diff -pre" of ClearCase
Compare the latest depot version with its immediate predecessor
packit-0.1.pl packit.pl helps saving space when burning CDs, DVDs,... It computes
which files/directories to burn on a medium in order to make the
unused space on the medium as little as possible.
The current best solution is ...
packit-0.2.pl packit.pl helps saving space when burning CDs, DVDs,... It computes
which files/directories to burn on a medium in order to make the
unused space on the medium as little as possible.
The current best solution is ...
padb2csv This is csv2padb and padb2csv - tools for conversion between Palm Address
book database and Yahoo! CSV format.
Install this file as padb2csv and csv2padb in your PATH.
For documentation use pod2text/pod2man on padb...
paradj-1.3.0.pl Paragraph Adjuster with Hyphenation (PAwH) is a small Perl script that
reformats lines of ASCII text so that the resulting lines are justified
in any of the following formats: left-justified (default),
paradj-tk-1.3.0.pl Paragraph Adjuster with Hyphenation (PAwH) is a small Perl script that
reformats lines of ASCII text so that the resulting lines are justified
in any of the following formats: left-justified, right-justified,
passask-1.0.0 Takes input and does not print any thing. It then prints it out to STDOUT. example csh usage:
alias llogin setenv LDAPpassword \`./passask.pl\`
pdfxtract-0.2 A utility to crop (extract) one or more pages from a PDF file and dump to separate file or files.
ped-1.2 Ped is a sed-like filter using perl regex (when no filenames are given),
and an edit-in-place (like perl -i) that preserves soft and hard links and
offers flock support when filenames are specified.
peg-1.00 This script is yet another Perl grep(1).
peg-2.18 Yet another imitation of the UNIX grep program,
but with the power of Perl expressions.
peg-2.24 Yet another imitation of the UNIX grep program,
but with the power of Perl expressions.
peg-3.01 Yet another imitation of the Unix grep program,
but with the power of Perl expressions.
peg-3.06 Yet another imitation of the Unix grep program,
but with the power of Perl expressions.
peg-3.08 Yet another imitation of the Unix grep program,
but with the power of Perl expressions.
peg-3.10 Yet another imitation of the Unix grep program,
but with the power of Perl expressions.
peg-3.12 Yet another imitation of the Unix grep program,
but with the power of Perl expressions.
peg-3.14 Yet another imitation of the Unix grep program,
but with the power of Perl expressions.
perlsign-0.04 This program invokes GPG to digitally sign Perl source files. The GPG
signature becomes embedded into the source file as POD paragraphs.
The functionality of the program or module isn't affected.
This may be useful...
perltags-1.2.pl perltags - makes tags files for perl (ctags for C/C++). A tags file gives
the locations of subs in a group of files. Each line of the tags file
contains the sub name, the file in which it is defined, and a search ...
PhotoEnc_v1_2.plx Tk PhotoEncoder - GUI-based photo encoder, a development tool for pTk.
phttpd-0.01.01.pl karakurt, pure Perl httpd v0.01.01 (c) Dzianis Kahanovich, GPLs
This software are with NO WARRANTY!
I wrote it becouse I needs for small, fast, all-in-one httpd/perl, main -
in xinetd. There are my first ...
phttpd-0.01.04.pl karakurt, pure Perl httpd v0.01.04 (c) Dzianis Kahanovich, GPLs
This software are with NO WARRANTY!
I wrote it becouse I needs for small, fast, all-in-one httpd/perl, main -
in xinetd. There are my first ...
phttpd-0.01.36.pl karakurt, pure Perl httpd v0.01.36 (c) Dzianis Kahanovich, GPLs
This software are with NO WARRANTY!
I wrote it becouse I needs for small, fast, all-in-one httpd/perl, main -
in xinetd. There are my first ...
phttpd-0.01.37.pl karakurt, pure Perl httpd v0.01.37 (c) Dzianis Kahanovich, GPLs
This software are with NO WARRANTY!
I wrote it becouse I needs for small, fast, all-in-one httpd/perl, main -
in xinetd. There are my first ...
phttpd-0.01.38.pl karakurt, pure Perl httpd v0.01.38 (c) Dzianis Kahanovich, GPLs
This software are with NO WARRANTY!
I wrote it becouse I needs for small, fast, all-in-one httpd/perl, main -
in xinetd. There are my first ...
phttpd-0.01.43.pl karakurt, pure Perl httpd v0.01.43 (c) Dzianis Kahanovich, GPLs
This software are with NO WARRANTY!
I wrote it becouse I needs for small, fast, all-in-one httpd/perl, main -
in xinetd. There are my first ...
phttpd-0.01.45.pl karakurt, pure Perl httpd v0.01.45 (c) Dzianis Kahanovich, GPLs
This software are with NO WARRANTY!
I wrote it becouse I needs for small, fast, all-in-one httpd/perl, main -
in xinetd. There are my first ...
phttpd-0.01.46.pl karakurt, pure Perl httpd v0.01.46 (c) Dzianis Kahanovich, GPLs
This software are with NO WARRANTY!
I wrote it becouse I needs for small, fast, all-in-one httpd/perl, main -
in xinetd. There are my first ...
phttpd-0.01.49.pl karakurt, pure Perl httpd v0.01.49 (c) Dzianis Kahanovich, GPLs
This software are with NO WARRANTY!
I wrote it becouse I needs for small, fast, all-in-one httpd/perl, main -
in xinetd. There are my first ...
phttpd-0.01.pl karakurt, pure Perl httpd v0.01 (c) Dzianis Kahanovich, GPLs
This software are with NOT WARRANTY!.
I wrote it becouse I needs for small, fast, all-in-one httpd/perl, main -
in xinetd. There are my first s...
pine2ldif-1.00 Reads a Pine addressbook file and writes out an LDIF file suitable for
importing into Netscape Messenger. Format of files is guessed from
pingomatic-1.013 This utility pings to a number of hosts in parallel.
pingomatic-1.21 This utility pings to a number of hosts in parallel.
pipipi WHAT IS PiPiPi (pronounced peepeepee in Italian)?
PiPiPi (Perl Pre Processor) is a small script that gives you some of the
functionalities of his big brother cpp, the C pre processor.
I wrote it because I often ne...
pipipi-0.02 PiPiPi (Perl Pre Processor) is a small script that gives you some of the
functionalities of its big brother cpp, the C pre processor.
It's useful if you have to create a set of scripts that shares a
common header an...
PIXcmpcnf-v1.2.pl PIXcmpcfg - compares two config files, and reports what has been
added and removed. Originally written to be used with a Cisco PIX. Could be used with any devices two config files.
PIXcmpcnf-v1.3.pl PIXcmpcfg - compares two config files, and reports what has been
added and removed. Originally written to be used with a Cisco PIX. Could be used with any devices two config files.
PMEdit-001.000203-1.pl PerlMonks editor is designed to allow wysiwig editing of material to be
posted on everything based web sites such as PerlMonks. Initial versions are
intended to be used to prepare the material offline and then render...
pnmchdim-05 pnmchdim - change dimensions or type of a PBM/PGM/PPM file
pod2xml-0.1b.pl pod2xml converts embedded perl dokumentation,
known as pod, to a valid xml-stream.
the inputfile can be any ascii formatted file
with pdo-tags included.
this is a very early beta-version, so use it
pod_0.2.392.pl POD Server is a simple http server whitch converts pod to many diferant formats on the fly when they are requested.
pop3dele-1.2.pl pop3dele is a simple script that connects to a POP3 server and
deletes the indicated messages, by message number. It accepts
message numbers on the command line, or through STDIN.
You have some flexibility in the m...
pop3list-1.3.pl pop3list is part of the POP3Utils package, and is used to
programatically list the contents of a POP3 account. It
accepts a bunch of nifty input that allows you to change it's
behavior. It's really quite a cool ide...
pop3retr-1.2.pl pop3retr is a simple script that connects to a POP3 server and
retrieves the indicated messages, by message number. It accepts
message numbers on the command line, or through STDIN.
This functions very simillarly t...
popdaemon004.pl This program is a full implementation of rfc 1725,
with an adjustment made to unsplit header lines so that
Netscape Communicator will not drop the connection when
it gets a message-id that is too long.
All configura...
popspam popspam applies Mail::SpamAssassin rules to a POP3 mailbox, optionally
deleting mails classified as spam.
portscan.pl A portscanner for those of us who haven't memorized the common ports map. It scans all common
ports between 1 and 1023 and reports open ports and their common use.
pplsmpdl-1.0.0 pplsmpdl - Loads a pls file into mpd, musicpd.
ppmlowbit-05 ppmlowbit - extract an image from the lowbits of an image
ppmmosaic-0.5 ppmmosaic - make mosaic images by expanding pixels into bordered tiles
ppmstegan-05 ppmstegan - merge two images stegangraphically
preveng-101.pl This is a subset of the RosePerl distribution on www.rationalrose.com,
which contains the wizard and forward engineering components. This
script does run stand alone and is invoked byt the wizard.
-f indicates to ...
primes Fast Prime Sieve
bounded only by memory with Math::BigInt::Lite
�� never test product of first n primes
�� quick test products in p**2 .. p**3
�� modulus by addition up to 3rd root
psbind-20030617 C<psbind> examines the margins in a PostScript document and rearranges the pages
to fit them onto paper efficiently.
psbind-20090315 C<psbind> examines the margins in a PostScript document and rearranges the pages
to fit them onto paper efficiently.
pwhois pwhois - make whois requests, following redirections
qar-bufo-1.3.1 qar-bufo generates the Qmail assign and recipients file based on unix groups.
quotadm-0.0.2e quotadm is a user quota reporting tool. It can be used to get a table of users containing their quota
usage, threshold limit, threshold usage etc. quotadm can also be used to send e-mail warning messages
to the...
randMACgen-1.0.0.pl Prints out a MAC number or half a MAC number.
rawpop3.pl This script is to be used to access a POP3 account for those who want
to control exactly what is done between the client and the server. For
example you can delete messages before they are downloaded.
reaper3.pl This script fetches all images on a website and saves them into a designated directory.
It uses a recursive depth first search.
It can discard images which are smaller than a certain width or height.
reboot-1.00.pl Reboot or shutdown local or remote Win32 based computers.
Run "reboot.pl -h" for options and help.
rediff-1.0.pl Diff format converted (unified <-> context).
This script takes context or unified diff, and produces a diff,
that would be created by C<diff> program if it would be run with command-line
options passed to this script...
rediff-1.1.pl Diff format converted (unified <-> context).
This script takes context or unified diff, and produces a diff,
that would be created by C<diff> program if it would be run with command-line
options passed to this script...
refill-1.01.pl This program will establish an FTP connection and fill the specified files with the content of the 'filler' file. Transfer will be done in 'ascii' mode.
reg-01.19.pl The reg program does a recursive search of the registry, starting at one or more
user-selected points, looking for all keys or values that match
a string entered by the user.
The user interface is a GUI, through u...
remote-ssh-access-1.7 This small script creates and uses shortcuts for launching SSH sessions. It's a useful tool
when you have a lot of systems to manage.
This program is meant to be executed through a symlink to a hard link. The hard...
report-new.pl-1.16 Reports new material on a web page.
rescalc-1.0.pl calculates resistance values based on color or voltage drop of LED in combination with supply voltage
and max current values. I've included common color defaults.

rfcindex-1.2 Online RFC repositories typically contain a text file produced by the
RFC Editor, F<rfc-index.txt>, which lists the RFCs currently in
existence. rfcindex is a Perl script that reads the plain text index
file and outp...
rh-eth0-bulk-ipconfig-1.3.pl This script is used to hard config the bulk IPs in Red-Hat style linux operating systems.
riofill Randomly selects a playlist of MP3 files from a given directory and either uploads them
to a connected Rio MP3 player or prints the playlist.
rmtcopy-0.11 copies remote tapes using dd and ssh pipe
Roland_MDX-20-Manual-commander.pl Allows you to move, cut, and measure using a Windows Joystick and your Roland MDX-20 (or other RML-1 compatible milling machine)
RpGet_1.04.pl Remote-printer job-retrieval program; retrieves and prints
print-data files uploaded by the RpSend.pl program.
rpmquery-19991213 This script can be used to query information not supplied by the rpm
RpSend_1.03.pl Remote-printer send program, intended to capture appsocket (port 9100)
print streams and upload them to a server from which they can subsequently
be downloaded for printing.
rsc rsc executes a (Perl!-)Script on another host. Neither this target script,
nor rsc or parts of it, nor input or output files have to be located
on the target machine.
There's no need to prepare the target s...
rss-1.1.pl This is a web based RSS news aggregator designed for a single user. It uses Mojolicious as a web framework and PostgreSQL has its database. The interface is mobile friendly. It does not require any extra web serve...
rt-class-map-1.3.pl I created this script because it sometimes gets confusing when trying to figure out which methods are available to different types of RT objects.
Sample-0.1 If there is any text in this section, it will be extracted into
a separate README file.
saydoh-0.0.0.pl saydoh - Says what ever is in the copy buffer.
sdist This script builds a Makefile.PL for perl scripts, together with
the necessary files to make a distribution. Installing scripts then
follows the same procedure as for modules:
perl Makefile.PL
make t...
search-1.03 search ldap database for specified attributes.
searchengineterms-1.0.pl Given entries from your httpd access logs, this script will return a list of
search terms that users used to find your site. The script doesn't attempt to
parse the log entries at all, it just looks for something ...
setpwd-0.14 The setpwd.pl script allows passwords on multiple computers to be
changed from one client. It is intended to simplify the maintenance
of passwords for many accounts on different operating systems
(Windows NT and Uni...
setxcs-0.641.bat setxcs allows you to use variables, if-defined statements and
other goodies inside a ClearCase config spec. It pre-parses
such an extended config spec, evaluates the extras, and feeds the
result into a "cle...
setxcs.bat setxcs allows you to use variables, if-defined statements and
other goodies inside a ClearCase config spec. It pre-parses
such an extended config spec, evaluates the extras, and feeds the
result into a "cle...
Shapeshifter_1_01.pl Shapeshifter 1.01
A pTk GUI based file encrypter and decrypter.
This is a stripped-down version of a VPN system which allows for
secure data streams, chat, and file transfer.
show_db-2.08 show_db shows the content of a dbm database file (like DB_File,
GDBM_File, or CDB_File). There is also some support for MLDBM
show_db-3.00 show_db shows the content of a dbm database file (like DB_File,
GDBM_File, or CDB_File). There is also some support for MLDBM
shroud-1.0 'shroud' is a script that will transform perl code into
virtually unreadable text, while retaining the full
functionality of that code. It is used to shroud the
source code of commercial perl programs. More informat...
shufflemp3-0.8.pl shufflemp3.pl (Linux only) searches in and below the current working directory for files ending with ".mp3", ".MP3", ".Mp3" or ".mP3" and plays them as mp3s with the external command "mpg123" in random order, looping...
simpleNLP.pl Place this file in a folder with a config.txt and a datafile in csv format with column names in the first row and the fulltext reports that need to be parsed in the first column. Run the script and a new csv file wi...
smp_launcher.pl A full documentation is available at http://chicken.genouest.org
sms-1.00 This is a Perl/Tk tool for sending SMS messages. The application uses the SMS
gateway at www.genie.co.uk to do the sending. This is achieved using the
Net::SMS::Genie module.
This application has been tested under...
sms-1.01 This is a Perl/Tk tool for sending SMS messages. The application uses the SMS
gateway at www.genie.co.uk to do the sending. This is achieved using the
Net::SMS::Genie module.
This application has been tested under...
sms-1.02 This is a Perl/Tk tool for sending SMS messages. The application uses the SMS
gateway at www.genie.co.uk to do the sending. This is achieved using the
Net::SMS::Genie module.
This application has been tested under...
socksproxy-0.02.pl SocksProxy - A full fledged platform independent SOCKS v5 Proxy Server,
single threaded yet capable of handling multiple connections.
Supports the full SOCKS v5 specifications (except the encrypted auth mechanism...
sounds.pl-1.24 Apply sound changes. Hopefully amusing for linguists, hobby or serious.
sourceit-0.41 Before you use this script, edit the "config section" at the beginning
of the file to reflect your path delimiter and default publication
sourceit-0.5 Before you use this script, edit the "config section" at the beginning
of the file to reflect your path delimiter and default publication
spam.kill_uname_guessers-1.11.pl A daemon to detect spammers trying to harvest email addresses by username
guessing and temporarily DROP them with iptables firewall rules.
spar-1.0 Simple Perl ARchive manager
�� much smaller than tar for small files
�� best for text files
�� helps renaming files along with contents
�� self unpacking
�� embeddable unpacker
�� Emacs mode
spar-1.1 Simple Perl ARchive manager
�� much smaller than tar for small files
�� best for text files
�� helps renaming files along with contents
�� self unpacking
�� embeddable unpacker
�� Emacs mode
spause This script searches PAUSE (the module area of CPAN) via a database
over the web by distribution, module, or author name, as well as listing
recent PAUSE uploads. In the interactive shell mode it can also install,
sperl-1.00 sperl is some kind of enhanced perl that lets you work in a network
environment and run scripts and oneliners in remote machines without
the need to
spf-milter-1.41.pl 1. INTRODUCTION
spf-milter is a Milter, which works with Sendmail 8.12 and up, and provides
an SPF-compliant extension to the SMTP communication between your MTA and
connecting clients. See http://spf.pobox.com/ for...
sqlgui-1.1.pl This script implements a graphical interface to a database server.
Currently only Sybase servers are supported, but I expect it will be
a simple matter to extend the tool to other dataserver types. The tool
sqlgui-1.2.1.pl This script implements a graphical interface to a database server.
Currently only Sybase servers are supported, but I expect it will be
a simple matter to extend the tool to other dataserver types. The tool
sqltk-1.0.pl This script connects to an SQL table and prints out the information in Tk. This script provides the groundwork for an SQL front end.
sql_to_yaml-0.2.pl If you want to convert your .sql files into yaml file with table info and data columns -- use this script! (with pair in yaml_to_sql.pl)
ssh-anti-brute-1.2.pl This script read a named pipe which is configured in syslog for auth.info and block the ips trying to bruteforce ssh.
ssh-anti-brute-1.3.pl This script read a named pipe which is configured in syslog for auth.info and block the ips trying to bruteforce ssh.
ssh2ssl-1.5 This script allows you to tunnel an SSH connection through an SSL (https) web proxy.
ssh2ssl-2.1 This script allows you to tunnel an SSH connection through an SSL (https) web proxy.
sshwatch-0.01.pl This script watches the system log file for dictionary sshd attacks and
automaticaly block the attacker ip after specified number of attempts
ssltunnel-1.0.pl ssltunnel.pl - The world's greatest SSL tunnelling script. Its got it
all! Supports reproxying to build a chain of proxies, thus allowing
access even if your local proxy inserts characters that would normally
stlle_rename_5.3.pl Multi-rename script for Windows with graphical user interface, similar to Multi-Rename
Tool of Total Commander, but more powerful, a quick and convenient way to use perl regular
expressions for renaming files (it can...
storableedit-1.5.pl A simple command line editor for Perl Storable files. The interface is similar to a shell. It allows to easily walk through the data structure of the file and to list and change values.
subnetter-1.3 This is a subnet calculator. The idea was developed based on a PalmOS
sudoscriptd sudoscriptd
creates a named pipe (FIFO) in a spool area, and hangs around waiting
for someone to write to it. When output is received, it is timestamped
and placed in a log file in /var/log. The size of the data r...
sudoshell Sudo is a tool used for running programs with root privilege. Its
major benefit is the audit trail it provides, as it logs each
invocation with the command name, its arguments and the user who ran
it. Because this...
t-pad-4.04.pl A Perl/Tk GUI based Perl-script editor with syntax highlighting (*.pl, *.pm and *.cgi). T-Pad runs under Windows, Unix and Linux.
t2html-1999.0423.pl This program converts pure text files into nice looking, possibly
framed HTML pages.
Requirements for the input ascii files
The file must be written in Technical format, whose layout is
described when you run th...
t2html-2001.0107.pl This program converts pure text files into nice looking, possibly
framed HTML pages.
Requirements for the input ascii files
The file must be written in Technical format, whose layout is
described when you run th...
t2html-2001.0305.pl This program converts pure text files into nice looking, possibly
framed HTML pages.
Requirements for the input ascii files
The file must be written in Technical format, whose layout is
described when you run th...
t2html-2001.0805.pl This program converts pure text files into nice looking, possibly
framed HTML pages.
Requirements for the input ascii files
The file must be written in Technical format, whose layout is
described when you run th...
tangobulario-0.7.pl tangobulario is a perl script to train your vocabulary in foreign languages.
The user must create a plain text datafile containing
pairs of words separated by an '=' sign. In each run,
tangobulario asks a random sub...
tbl2html-v1.0 tbl2html is a tbl to HTML convertor. tbl was a front-end process for troff
that took tables and output troff directives. tbl's input format is very
succinct, as opposed to HTML, so I decided to write a convertor from...
testaddr-v1.36.pl testaddr.pl - searchs through aliases on a qmail server, in the same
order as the qmail services, and reports the first working alias or
delivery box.
Test_BRUGNARA-0.1.pl This is an example to upload script file to CPAN.
tg2lab-1.01.pl This script converts Praat (http://www.fon.hum.uva.nl/praat/) annotation format
(.TextGrid) file to HTK (http://htk.eng.cam.ac.uk/) annotation format (.lab)
timefetch-1.02 This script uses LWP and Time::HiRes to fetch a web page,
parse embedded IMG tags and other tags, download the images,
and time the whole download operation. It is useful for measuring
download times for an entire p...
timeout-0.11.pl timeout executes a command and imposes an elapsed time limit. When the
time limit is reached, timeout sends a predefined signal to the target
tk-ppm This script provides a Tk graphical interface to the ppm
utility, used particularly with Win32 ActivePerl to install
and manage binary packages.
tksort tksort graphically demonstrates sorting algorithms
trafshow-001.pl Print info about traffic on specified interface[s]
Usage: trafshow.pl [-hl] -i<interface[,interface[...]]> [-f<filterLine>] [-r<screenRefreshInterval>] [-d<disapperTimeout>] [-pnecst]
trafshow.pl is capturing traf ...
trafshow-002.pl Print info about traffic on specified interface[s]
Usage: trafshow.pl [-hl] -i<interface[,interface[...]]> [-f<filterLine>] [-r<screenRefreshInterval>] [-d<disapperTimeout>] [-pnecst]
trafshow.pl is capturing traf ...
tree-1.6 Something like Linux command `tree'.
tree-sync-2.4.pl tree-sync.pl - sync two directories recursively. The goal is to bring two trees exactly the same.
However, tree-sync.pl does not perform any copy operation by default (it generates a command file instead).
The user ...
tree-sync.pl tree-sync.pl - sync two directories recursively. The goal is to bring two trees exactly the same. However, tree-sync.pl does not perform any copy operation. It generates a command file instead. The user has the oppor...
tuff-ftp-put-1.0.3.pl This script robustly uploads a large file via FTP, working around the pesky problem "Unexpected EOF on command channel" which can happen while uploading large files through some servers.
tunnel.pl-20000330 This script is building a TCP/IP tunnel between two ports. In other
words, it makes you think that a server is listening on your local
machine, port <num>, which is really sitting on host <tohost>, port
tunnel.pl-20000417 This script is building a TCP/IP tunnel between two ports. In other
words, it makes you think that a server is listening on your local
machine, port <num>, which is really sitting on host <tohost>, port
typo-2.46.pl Typo.pl is a Perl script which scans
C/C++ source code for possible errors.
The script was originally written to locate various typing errors,
i.e. C<X == Y;> instead of C<X = Y;>
The L<list of possible errors|"E...
typo-2.55.pl Typo.pl is a Perl script which scans
C/C++ source code for possible errors.
The script was originally written to locate various typing errors,
i.e. C<X == Y;> instead of C<X = Y;>
The L<list of possible errors|"E...
urlcheck-1.00.pl When called without args, this script reads a list of URLs, one per line, from
$INPUT_FILE and tries to access the url using the appropriate protocol. This
includes following redirects until either:
1. the target p...
vanprod-2.5 This daemon is written to communicate with a Davis Vantage Pro Weather Staion.
It will store the daily extreme values and their time of occurance in a database and update the weather underground and/or APRSWXNET/CWO...
VBDebug-1_01.pl Please rename this distribution to VBDebug.pl before using.
perl VBDebug.pl [VB-source-directory]
- if used, the optional parameter C<VB-source-directory> is the directory containing the VB
source code to b...
vc-3.1.1.pl This script implements an RPN calculator that handles vectors
of arbitrary dimensionality. It supports various arithmetic
operations on vectors of compatible dimensions. It also supports
unlimited undo/redo a...
vc-3.1.2.pl This script implements an RPN calculator that handles vectors
of arbitrary dimensionality. It supports various arithmetic
operations on vectors of compatible dimensions. It also supports
unlimited undo/redo a...
vc-3.1.pl This script implements an RPN calculator that handles vectors
of arbitrary dimensionality. It supports various arithmetic
operations on vectors of compatible dimensions. It also supports
unlimited undo/redo a...
vhscript-0.5.1.pl Virtual Hosting Script v0.5.1 (c) Denis Kaganovich AKA mahatma
There are simple script, that allow to alternative ways to:
1) virtual hosting;
2) transparently compress (accelerate) traffic by gzip.
(c)opyleft. Fr...
vhscript-0.5.3.pl Virtual Hosting Script v0.5.3 (c) Denis Kaganovich AKA mahatma
There are simple script, that allow to alternative ways to:
1) virtual hosting;
2) transparently compress (accelerate) traffic by gzip.
(c)opyleft. Fr...
waitcond-0.32 Test or wait for an event using boolean expressions on top of a
language of tests like grepping in ps-output and logs, pinging hosts
or waiting for events like 'not-recently-changed' or 'network
watch-1.08.pl A perl implementation of the watch command found on many Linux systems.
webster-2.19_2007.0205 A tiny WWW-browser that connects to the WWWebster dictionary at http://www.m-w.com/
and provides an convenient access to the dictionary from the command line.
webupload-1.53.pl This script is designed for helping you upload your website to an FTP server in
the cases where you don't want to use an interactive FTP program and you don't
want to upload the whole website.
webupload-1.61.pl This script is designed for helping you upload your website to an FTP server in
the cases where you don't want to use an interactive FTP program and you don't
want to upload the whole website.
whatsup-1.03.pl Verify your websites are running from multiple servers,
inside and outside your firewall. Notify you when they go
whatsup-1.04.pl Verify your websites are running from multiple servers,
inside and outside your firewall. Notify you when they go
whisper_1_1.pl whisper_1_1.pl - MP3 streaming server used with WinAmp client.
It'll run on any UNIX system with PERL. No special CPAN mods
required. WinAmp can be obtained at www.winamp.com
Scott Parks 01/26/00
whisper_1_2.pl whisper_1_2.pl - MP3 streaming server used with WinAmp client.
It'll run on any UNIX system with PERL. No special CPAN mods
required. WinAmp can be obtained at www.winamp.com
Scott Parks 01/26/00
win32rdist-0.16 This is the README file for the win32rdist script, a MSWin32 utility
that attempts to mimic the unix based rdist utility.
This is version 0.13 of win32rdist. This version is still considered
alpha software. It has o...
Win32_GetHostInfoTk_1.0.pl Win32_GetHostInfoTk is sample Perl/Tk script that shows you
how to get information from Windows registry through
the module Win32::TieRegistry.
It has a simple user interface where you can place the computer
from w...
win32_joystick.pl Needs Win32::API installed
wordsearch-2.2.0.cgi This script creates a word search puzzle with the minimum of a 10 by 10 matrix and a maximum of a 99 by 99 matrix.
XAlbum2Rss.pl This simple script can be used to generate RSS feed out of the album file, which you created for XPhotoAlbum.pl. The script can be used for off-Line
RSS generation - add it to your schedule tasks or crontab.
See ht...
XLinks-1-1-1.pl Link validator for XHTML web pages. Based on XML parsing methods,
this script allows a high degree of control on a page-by-page and
link-by-link basis. Able to crawl entire sites.
Complete documentation at http://...
xls2csv-1.5.pl Save MS Excel worksheets as CSV files.
xls2csv-1.6.pl Save MS Excel worksheets as CSV files.
xls2csv-1.7.pl Save MS Excel worksheets as CSV files.
XPhotoAlbum-1.01.pl This simple script can be used for organizing web photo album. The script can be used for online or Off-Line
photo album generation. It does not provides web interface for picture uploading, thumbnail generation or w...
xtractCode.pl Extracts code snippets from source code for presenting code in parts,
e.g., when printing code snippets with LaTeX.
See POD (xtractCode.pl --help) for details.
This an alpha version -- use on your own risk!
yahobuilder.pl Inspired by Zope yahobuilder takes the idea of defining variables
at different levels and substituting the closest one to offline
html preparaion. Yahobuilder includes also a simple upload tool
to a ftp server. Home ...
yaml_to_sql-0.2.pl If you want to convert your converted to .yaml files after editing by hand -- use this scripts! (with pair in sql_to_yaml.pl)
zbgset-3.0.0.pl zbgset - A perl program for managing the background.
zbgset-admin-0.0.1.pl zbgset-admin - Manages the configuration of zbgset.
zccreate-0.0.0.pl zccreate - Creates a new ZConf config or set.
zccron-0.0.1.pl zccron - A single pass cron that uses ZConf as a backend.
zccrontab-0.0.0.pl zccron - A editor and manager for tabs for zccron.
zcget-0.0.1.pl zcget - Reads a value from a ZConf config.
zcls-0.0.1.pl zcls - Lists configured ZConf congigs and sets.
zcrm-0.0.1.pl zrm - Remove a ZConf config or set.
zcset-0.0.1.pl zcset - Sets a value in a ZConf config.
zcvdel-0.0.0.pl zcvdel - Remove a variable from a ZConf config.
zcvls-0.0.0.pl zcvls - Lists the keys of a ZConf config.
zms-1.7.0.pl zms - A specialized mail system for using user specified SMTP server.
zsu-1.18 zsu updates serial numbers in DNS zone files.
zsu-1.20 zsu updates serial numbers in DNS zone files.

This resource consists entirely of user submissions. If you wish to submit your own scripts, please see the instructions.

Note: If you're looking for a particular script which was added to CPAN prior to 1997, you'll find it here.

Kurt Starsinic
Last modified: Sat Apr 27 06:46:23 2024